Deputy Rector for Scientific
and research work,
Candidate of Arts and Sciences
of design, associate professor
The strategic goal of the Academy's development is the formation of intellectual and highly spiritual creative elite of the society in the field of design and arts, as well as maintaining the leadership positions of the artistic and scientific school of the Academy in the field of theory and history of arts, design and practical activities of the artists. In order to ensure a worthy image of the Academy in the world and national educational spaces, the scientific work of the professor and leading assistant professor is dominant.
The Academy embodies its goal by achieving the following strategic objectives:
- study of ways and methods for improving the quality of higher education,
- creation of a system of exchange of experience in the field of higher art education of Ukrainian and foreign scholars (holding scientific seminars, conferences, master classes, implementation of joint art projects);
- dissemination of research results of the Academy of Design, Arts and Art Education;
- Organization of the Academy's participation in the formation and implementation of national, branch, regional, interuniversity and international scientific and technical programs and projects.
- organization of scientific work of students, namely: engaging in various scientific and creative projects, participation in scientific conferences, forums, contests, competitions and problem groups.