Marina Ivanivna
First Deputy rector
for Research
and Education of KSADA
Kharkiv State Academy of Design and Arts is an education-and-research, cultural-and-artistic centre which trains students in Art, namely in design, graphic arts, and restoration of works of art. The Academy also offers both a postgraduate training programme and a Doctoral training programme. Besides, a great attention is paid to research at the Academy, as well as to development of cutting edge educational programmes. Numerous cultural-and-artistic events, various creativity actions, and contests are held here.
Mission and strategic goals of Kharkiv State Academy of Design and Arts.
Mission. To make a major contribution to the development of the society by means of offering a higher art, art-and-design education, generating and outspreading a new knowledge, forming creative personalities, and training competitive specialists and academic-artistic staff.
Kharkiv State Academy of Design and Arts performs its mission through achieving the following strategic goals:
- In the educational sphere – to further the Academy as a leading education and methodology centre in training specialists in the field of art, as well as to ensure its graduates being competitive;
- In the academic-artistic activity – to hold down leading positions of the artistic and academic school in the fields of Theory and History of Art, Design and artists’ practical activity;
- In the sphere of staff supplying – to ensure a harmonious development of the creative potential of the academic teaching staff of the Academy;
- In the international cooperation – to enhance an international role of the Academy; to provide students with the educational services of international standards; to expand creative and academic cooperation with foreign higher educational establishments;
- In the sphere of the information support – to implement cutting edge IT solutions and software into various areas of the Academy’s activity; to integrate into the national and international information space;
- In the educational sphere – to contribute to forming a well-balanced multiple personality, active member of the society, and a patriot of Ukraine;
- In the sphere of the image-building policy – to ensure an all-round presentation of all the latest changes in the Academy which will bring about the general public’s positive attitude and their considering the Academy to be a great educational, artistic, and scientific centre;
- In the sphere of the financial and technical support – to develop a modern infrastructure and administration system aimed at ensuring the Academy’s high performance.